This is my daily use suite of skins that have become an invaluable part of my workflow. Without this, it would seriously make my PC usage a lot slower and more difficult. I thought I'd share in case others like to use them or adjust to suit. I have had a great deal of help from forum members, mostly Yincognito, deathcrafter and JSMorley. There are no Log errors in this suite, but there are three warnings due to skins being deactivated when not active.
Please be aware that these were created on a Windows 11 PC and the Input Volume didn't work for Yincognito on his Windows 10 PC. So I kept my code, which probably isn't as optimised as his, but it works on my PC whereas Yincognito's seemed very jittery for me. Everything else should be ok.
There are only five skins included:
Here is a somewhat short description of what each skin contains and how to use it.
The Clock skin has the following functions, left to right:
Most of it only shows on hover, as it's more about functionality rather than displaying info.
Credits for all skins, either forum help or supplying demos, allowing permission to use code, etc:
![Rose Gift :rosegift:]()
Please be aware that these were created on a Windows 11 PC and the Input Volume didn't work for Yincognito on his Windows 10 PC. So I kept my code, which probably isn't as optimised as his, but it works on my PC whereas Yincognito's seemed very jittery for me. Everything else should be ok.
There are only five skins included:
- Clock aka 'Taskbar'
- Drives
- Launcher
- Screensaver
- Weather
Here is a somewhat short description of what each skin contains and how to use it.
The Clock skin has the following functions, left to right:
Launcher skin next:CPU % - L-click to open Windows Explorer.
RAM % - L-click to toggle the Screensaver skin.
Wifi - L-click to open Network settings. Hover to display connection info.
Clock - L-click opens Task Manager. M-click refreshes app. R-click opens Foobar, obviously this can be changed to your media player.
Keystate - The 3 shape meters below the clock show the state of CAPS, NUM, SCROLL, lock setting. You will need the KeyState.dll plugin. I was unable to add this to the rmskin package as I don't have the 32bit version and it is exceedingly likely no-one will ever need it. Link
I'm thinking of adding simple weather skin to this. Just Current temp and location Tooltip.
Note Icon - L-click to toggle the hourly chime sound. This also gets disabled when certain apps are running. Again, you can easily change these.
Shape Meter - Appears on hover. L-click opens Rainmeter Manage window. M-click Rm Tray Menu. R-click Rm About window.
On opening Foobar, the track details are displayed to the right of the Note Icon. Showing Cover art, hover this to toggle Play/Pause. Track info is also shown to the right of this. Hover Artist name for full track info. Select position by L-clicking the Progress bar. Time elapsed and total time below that. L-click track time to focus the Foobar window.
Most of it only shows on hover, as it's more about functionality rather than displaying info.
Drives skin is the last:Output Volume - L-click set volume to 25%. M-click toggle Mute. R-click set volume to 80%. Scroll to adjust in steps of 5%.
The current output device is displayed in the 'name' box on hover. The green indicator lets you know at a glance the volume level and when audio is playing there is a spectrum analyser displayed inside the circle.
Shape Meter - ToolTip shows current output device, L-click to change that device. M-click to Refresh the skin.
Name Box - Displays info depending on what you hover on, a kind of dynamic tooltip. If you hover over this area, it will show 'buttons' for shutdown, restart, hibernate, lock.
Input Volume - Right of Name Box is the Mic and Line In controls. They have the same controls as the Output Volume for adjustment. To set the device you will need to L-click the Aqua Mic icon and paste the info copied to the clipboard to your text editor. Then replace the Mic and LineIn variables in this skin to the info from your system. The Aqua Mic icon is for Microphone input and the Orange Mic icon is for Line In. L-click orange icon opens System Sound Settings. R-click opens Control Panel Sound Settings.
Launcher - Hover the bottom half of the skin and a set of app icons will be shown. These are easily changed by creating shortcuts on your desktop and then cut and paste them to Launcher/Shortcuts folder. Anything can be added. Files, URL's, Apps, Folders, etc. Single L-click to open. Scrolling is possible if there are more than 7 shortcuts.
Bluetooth - Toggle BT on/off with L-click. M-click opens BT settings. Status shown in the Name Box. Icons also changes colour depending on status.
Volume indicators - The two coloured 'dots' represent the input volume levels. Aqua = Mic, Orange = Line In. As you adjust the volume when scrolling on the relevant meters above, these change position to give you a quick way to check levels.
VU Meters - Three bar meters finish this off. Mic, Line In, Output bars give a quick way to check db levels, though these aren't 100% accurate so only use as a rough guide or for fun.
Two additional skins:Recycle Bin - Shows number of items in Bin. Hover to show total size of items in bin. L-click opens Bin. M-click opens Bin properties. R-click empties Bin.
Drives - Connected disks are shown here. Internal and external devices are shown, but only external USB disks will be shown. Hover a disc to show info: (Letter: Name - SpaceRemaining / TotalSize). The RoundBar meters give a quick idea of space usage. The drive letter will change colour to indicate usage:(Red - Write, Green - Read, Orange - Both). L-click a drive to open in default file manager. M-click to safely remove drive, if it's removable, of course. Only connected drives are shown. I've only added Measures and Meters for 10 drives as I have never had more than 8 different letter associations before, so if you want more you can check the code and add more, shouldn't be hard to do.
Screensaver - This skin will be shown only when you either L-click the RAM % meter as explained above, or when certain processes are running. I found this useful if playing windowed emulators. You can use it as an eye protector to open at a certain time, code for that isn't included though. The four circles at the bottom are there to adjust RGBA settings, just hold CTRL and scroll on the specific meter to adjust it's colour setting.
Weather - A simple skin to display current temp and a tooltip for location. I am thinking of integrating this into the Clock skin, maybe...
Credits for all skins, either forum help or supplying demos, allowing permission to use code, etc:
Thank you for creating this great application and to those that have helped so much over the years. It's been often frustrating but great fun playing with this.Brian
Death Crafter
Jelle Dekkers
and others that have long been forgotten...

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